Benefits of using PVC Bathroom Fittings

Benefits of using PVC Bathroom Fittings

By oriplast |  March 15, 2021 |  No comments |  3399 views

The advancement of technology has transformed many simple things of day-to-day use, into a better and useful variant. This change can also be noticed in bathroom fittings. Traditionally, bathroom fittings are manufactured with metals like copper, iron, brass etc. But the advent of technology has introduced PVC Bathroom Fittingsthat has its own benefits over the traditional materials. Bathroom fitting manufacturers in India have already brought forward their collection of luxury bathroom fittings made of PVC and polymer. Many consumers have also started using PVC bathroom fittings and they are very vocal about its benefits over other traditional materials used in manufacturing bathroom fittings.

Let’s discuss few such benefits of using PVC bathroom fittings.

Cost-effective solution

The cost of PVC bathroom fittings is comparatively lower than that of other bathroom fittings. Their durability, low maintenance cost and low breakage rates also further add to its cost-effectiveness.

Low cost of installation

The installation cost of PVC bathroom fittings is comparatively lower than the installation cost of bathroom fittings made of copper, brass or iron. The installation process is also easier as PVC bathroom fittings are lighter than the bathroom fittings made of any other material.

Corrosion and chemical resistant

PVC bathroom fittings are resistant to corrosion and chemical, thus it ensures safety to users. This also increases the durability and longevity of the products.

Multiple options in colours & designs

PVC bathroom fittings come in more colour and design options than bathroom fittings made of other materials. Luxury bathroom fittings made of PVC and polymers, come in various designs. They can be glossy as well as matt finish.

The longevity of look & colour

Made out of engineering plastic, the colour doesn’t fade out and no dust of salt sedimentation appears. It also avoids moisture effects, such as black spots.

Zero drip advantage

PVC bathroom fittings come with zero dripping advantage. This feature ensures zero wastage of water through dripping. It also saves the fittings from damage caused by moisture.

Ideal for both hot and cold water

PVC bathroom fittings can endure up to 65 degrees of water temperature. Therefore, it is ideal for both hot and cold water. Another advantage is, unlike metal fittings, the body never gets hot while channeling hot water.


As there are no metal parts, PVC bathroom fittings offer a long service life. Spindle and aerators can be cleaned or replaced easily.

Ori-Plast, being one of the pioneers in bath fittings manufacturers of India, has its own range of PVC bathroom fittings, which are made from the advanced and superior PTMT SYMET (Polytetra Methylene Terephthalate) material, which combines the toughness of synthetic material and metal combined. It comes in various designs and colours. The range includes Crown, Sleek, Exotica and Elegant. Wonderful to look at, these variants are extremely popular for their superior quality. They are very lightweight, durable and last for years. These products are corrosion-proof, leakproof, drip-proof and are resistant to chemical and salt deposits. These products are preferred by most of the bathroom fittings suppliers of India. Ori-Plast’s PVC bathroom fittings are the ideal fit and forget products.


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