
5 User Benefits You Should Hunt Before Buying PVC Garden Pipes

By oriplast |  December 5, 2021 |  No comments |  3295 views

5 User Benefits You Should Hunt Before Buying PVC Garden Pipes

Leakage and ruptures are frustrating. Imagine you are taking care of your lawn or watering a stack of freshly laid bricks with a garden hose, and suddenly water pressure starts dropping, only to realise later that the water is gushing out from leakage in the tube somewhere. All of us have our moments of failures with cheap, generic garden pipes. But they are indispensable. So, along with PVC garden pipe prices, be more cautious about a few other factors to avoid common frustrations in your gardening and lawn care experience.

PVC garden pipes - a few facts

If you didn’t know, PVC garden pipes are flexible tubes used in drenching concrete, brick structures, watering gardens, lawns and other general-purpose water transporting purposes. The flexibility of garden pipes is particularly beneficial for the particular purposes they serve. It helps to reach and irrigate every nook and corner of the garden, structure without disrupting the flow. Besides, you can quickly and nicely roll PVC garden hoses after use and store them without taking too much space or time.

Look out for The FIVE benefits while buying a PVC garden pipe?

An excellent quality PVC garden hose can have various intended and unintended applications. For optimum usability and longevity, you should identify the primary uses to help you choose the best fit for your tasks. Here is the list of the 5 factors you should look out for in a PVC garden pipe.

Material strength

With the proper devices and skills, it is technically possible to measure the tensile strength of any material, let alone PVC garden pipes. However, it might be beyond the capability of ordinary end-users. However, you can always tie one side with something fixed and pull the other side of a garden pipe with brute physical force to have a rough idea of its material strength. Poor material quality will give into stretching. A good quality PVC will survive repeated stretching.

Flexibility, durability

One easy way to check the flexibility of PVC garden pipes is to bend and twist a garden pipe and check how long it can last without showing any permanent damage or tear. Best PVC garden pipes must be flexible without compromising durability.

Dimensional accuracy

Often people choose garden hosepipes of incorrect sizes compared to their water sources (like tap size) and application requirements. PVC garden pipes of larger diameter than tap size result in water pressure drops; smaller diameter pipes create excess pressure and wastage of water through connector points. So, always make sure to choose the dimensionally accurate PVC garden tubes. The best quality PVC garden pipes and connectors manufacturers, Ori-Plast, offer pipes in a wide range of sizes for the best possible fit.

Absence of cracks, leaks

Companies with poor manufacturing standards often fail to quality control and sell PVC garden pipes with minute hairline cracks and leaks that are visually difficult to identify in a cursory look. Be careful. A tube with even the tiniest crack might fail to survive flowing water under pressure. You should ask retailers to check or test it yourself if possible. As a top branded PVC garden pipes manufacturer, Ori-Plast takes extreme care of product quality so that our end-users do not need to bother. Besides, our reliable product return policy assures flawless customer experience for manufacturing defects, if any.

UV stability

People use garden pipes primarily in outdoor applications like lawn care, gardening, irrigation and construction. Exposure to sunlight, heat and other external factors reduce colour and material strength. So, your pipe should be UV stable. Our PVC garden pipes are made of materials with UV stabilising agents and UV protective coating for long term durability and colour longevity.

Do you love the calming experience of watering garden plants? Or, do you need a tube for watering your newly constructed wall? Choose only the top quality PVC garden pipes for the best value for money and your peace of mind. Contact us to check PVC garden pipe prices.


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